Why Do I Keep Having Contractions and Then They Stop

As a woman nearing the end of pregnancy, it`s common to experience contractions. These contractions are a sign that your body is preparing for labor and delivery. However, some women may find that they experience contractions that start and then stop. This can be frustrating and confusing, but it`s actually a normal part of the process.

The medical term for contractions that start and then stop is “false labor” or “Braxton Hicks contractions.” These types of contractions are your body`s way of preparing for labor, but they do not indicate that labor is imminent. False labor contractions tend to be irregular and may not be as intense as true labor contractions. They may also go away or become less frequent if you change positions or rest.

There are several reasons why you may be experiencing false labor contractions. One possible explanation is that your body is simply preparing for the real thing. As your due date approaches, your body will begin practicing for labor by having Braxton Hicks contractions. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about.

Another reason why you may be experiencing false labor contractions is due to dehydration or overexertion. If you are not drinking enough water or are engaging in activities that are too strenuous for your body, it can cause your uterus to contract. Taking a break and hydrating should help ease these types of contractions.

Stress and anxiety can also cause false labor contractions. When you feel stressed or anxious, your body releases hormones that can cause your uterus to contract. Taking time to relax and reduce stress can help reduce the frequency of these contractions.

It`s important to note that if you are experiencing contractions that are more frequent and intense, it`s important to contact your healthcare provider. You may be experiencing true labor contractions and it`s time to get to the hospital or birthing center.

In conclusion, false labor contractions that start and then stop are a normal part of pregnancy. Your body is simply practicing for the real thing. It`s important to stay hydrated, take breaks, and reduce stress to help ease these types of contractions. If you`re unsure whether your contractions are false or true labor, it`s always best to contact your healthcare provider.